
the cross

Stacy and i were talking this morning (it was more her talking and me listening)...

first, i have to note that nothing brings me more joy and excitement then when my wife is growing in Christ.  she loves Jesus with all her heart and is always growing and pursuing Christ.  she is simply amazing.  with that i have to note that over the past few months i have seen something different...something good...something Christ.  Praise God!  i love and cherish her with all my heart

...in talking about some random things this morning, she mentioned that she has struggled in the past, as a believer in Christ, hearing the gospel message over and over again.  she raised the struggling question, "is it necessary for us as believers to need to hear that message over and over again?"  her point is, we know the message, do i need to re-hear it?  

her next words were so profound.  in her thought process, she mentioned some things that she has been reading and has been challenged with.  she answered her own question by saying...absolutely i do.  she has been reminded, and challenged me to remember, that the cross is the crux of our faith.  the cross is where joy is found.  the cross is what leads us to repentance.  the cross is what makes me a new creation...the fulfillment of all things built in Old Testament history.  

may we never loose sight of the cross.