
returning to middle school pranks

did you ever go to an overnight camp as a middle schooler? remember all the pranks that were pulled. you had to either be the one initiating the pranks (all you losers out there) or the one receiving the pranks (which we me...as a middle schooler...high school was a different story). there was no middle ground or that person quickly becomes the receiver...which i was always thankful for.

today...at my house...i just entered into the middle school phase of my life again and i will not take it laying down. i was talking a shower (pleasent thought...i know) this morning and my beautiful, lovely, sexy, conniving wife comes from nowhere and dumps a cup of ice cold water on my head. BRING IT...IT'S ON!

i must say that i was shocked. almost 7 years of marriage and never anything so immature...and now she has started a war. oh i can stoop to her level.

this is where you come in.

i need help comming up with the greatest revenge. leave me a comment on what i should do about this. give me your best shot.

most likely she will never read this blog because she never read my blogs...but if she happens to, oh well becasue i want her tremble every time she takes a shower or goes to the restroom or whatever. i want her to fear letting her guard down. but when she does...WHAM!!!!

haha...she is sitting, right now, at the other computer blogging...having no idea what going on 6 feet away.

to be continued.................


AJU5's Mom said...

A game my brother-in-law likes to play is turn the shower head out so that when the next person turns it on, they get wet. It isn't a great prank - but he gets someone almost every time!

jordan said...

@ SSU: but a great ice-breaker of what's to come. i could think of it as a warm-up!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so to add to that last idea. I suggest that you take the nozzle off and then put a package of Kool-Aid stuffed inside of the nozzle and then screw it back on. Just make sure she takes the first shower.