
the whole earth is full of His glory

i am taking my own challenge...this morning i was sitting on my back porch, after reading i found myself begging the Spirit of God to break my heart for something...anything. i guess i currently feel overwhelmed by the needs that i have seen in the world and i am desperate for the Holy Spirit to clear up the call for my family in how we can "help."

help is a funny word in the perspective of serving the hungry, the orphans, the widows...

as i was sitting outside praying for a broken heart...in the midst of a calm morning i felt a gentle wind on my face. i told God how comforted i felt by it because it was like His gentle breath blowing over me. when you have a heavy heart that breath is reassuring that God is near. as i was sitting in His peace i heard the wind in the trees next door. it got stronger and stronger. the tree in my backyard, with the grass, had a strong breeze running through them. no lie, as i was sitting there i felt nothing. i could watch creation around me blow for a few seconds but where i was sitting there...i felt nothing. i opened my eyes and i tried to feel the wind...still nothing. then it all died down again and left me in wonder of what just happened.

yesterday at church we sang the the song, "holy is the Lord" and i was hit hard with the phrase "the whole earth if filled with His glory." as i was worshiping yesterday with the thought of the picture of my last post...singing the earth is filled with His glory hit me differently then before. i immediately wrote the phrase in my journal with the intent of blogging about it. i couldn't help but think that in the midst of so much suffering in the world, these people are still surrounded by the glory of God...just as you and i are as we sit here and read or type.

Romans 1 reminds us that there is no excuse for those who deny God because His glory cries out in all creation. the glory of God is all around...even (or espceially) around those who suffer.

the Spirit of God is compared to the wind in John 3...that everyone born of the Spirit is blown like the wind. as i sat and thought about my experience this morning with the wind i couldn't help but think back to the phrase of the song i wanted to write about today. maybe, just maybe, God has given me content to write about.

the angels song in Isaiah 6:3 rings nothing but truth. it is something that we need to grasp as believers. everywhere we walk, the Spirit of God is there. every picture we see, the spirit of God is there. suffering CAN be so blinding (suffering can also bring you to maturity in Christ...suffering is necessary). if God has yet to lift the blindness from the eyes of the suffering...the Wind will never be felt. as believers we have been called to be the Wind to the hopeless. "So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit (being blown by the Wind)" - John 3:8.

the breath that was so refreshing to me also was taken from me for a moment (in my interpretation) to remind me that many many people...including children...have never felt the wind of God...the wind of hope...though it is all around them. We have an opportunity to let the Wind be felt...through our lives...through our sacrifice.

Jesus has called us out as believers...we MUST act.

pray for a broken heart so that passion will drive your heart to see it to full completion. lets stop being dreamers (of who i am the greatest) and be movers (of who i am the worst).

1 comment:

Marsha Cashdollar said...

God has given you so much wisdom! I am so thankful to read your blogs they really are speaking to me.

I hope you and your family have a beautiful day! With lots of WIND!!!