
New Church

Stacy and i have found a new church that we like a lot.  i hate "church shopping."  we don't know everything about this place yet but the people are warm, the spend a lot of time serving outside the four walls of the church, and they love Jesus.  all things that are very important to us.  

if you have read my past blogs then you know that Stacy and i have a heart for the children and people of Haiti and guess what, this church does too.  we could never understand why God would, over a year ago, place Haiti on our hearts.  since we have wanted to visit so bad but never perceived the oportunity would be there outside of a Young family mission trip.  this shows how little my mind is compared to the hand of God.

i am not saying that this is the greatest place on earth or that this is where we will be for the next 100 years but for today...it seems perfect.  

it's called Mosaic.  check it out here.   


Anonymous said...

wow, you did move to this part of the country! I've been to mosaic. loved the atmosphere there.

KF said...

jy- we heard a ton of great stuff about this church during our time in seminary!!! so excited ya'll are connecting there, looking forward to reading how the Lord uses all of you in this new body and community. lots of love to the fam from ours.