
trying again...

my research of what the 40 day fast is all about has brought up my previous thought of, do we represent God to be the god of the rich (lower case "g" on purpose...because it's a false god). in my attempt to vomit out what is on my heart, i may have made some things confusing. i want a second chance to explain myself...what's on my heart.

you know, it changes things when you think about a "revelations" you have and then also think about how your "revelation" prompts change in yourself.

my friend Marsha got me thinking about my term of "fly-by evangelism." i think i might have painted a false picture of what i was really trying to say. taken the example given in my blog, going downtown to "minister" to the homeless is necessary. i guess my greatest question is do we have any interest in wanting to understand where these people are (mentally and physically). does our heart break for them? do we accept them for who they are because outside the grace found in Jesus Christ...really, that is where we should be found!

i get sick over the thought that we might head downtown to "check mark the box" of evangelism (i can't believe i just used that term). our actions promote, "i am here to tell you about jesus but you'll never understand HOPE because you're unwilling to change your lifestyle."

the other end of the spectrum is the passionate young person who has a true drive to evangelize the world. this guy approaches a person on the streets with a wallet in his back pocket and $200 on his debit card. he starts passionatley spurting off scripture to this guys and all this guys see is a rich man who doesn't get it...a rich man preaching hope to whom most likely has never experience hopelessness like living on the streets.

God's portraied as the god of the rich.

i think the answer for us who have HOPE is that we pray for a broken heart and a supernatural understanding of the people God leads us to. we have to realize we can't change the whole world but you can make a difference. the question then must be raised, "how can i make the greatest impact."

the things i have read recently are encouraging. i think the tide has great potential in shifting...the tide of believers wanting to make a REAL difference...wanting to put themselves in the shoes of those who find themselves down, out, and near death.

my pray for you...anyone who reads this...is that God would place a hunger in your heart to live beyond yourself. that God would shatter your heart for the homeless...the widows...the orphans...the hungry. I pray that you would find a way to keep that vision in front of you (and your family) so time would NEVER heal that brokenness.

my prayer for hungry, widows, orphans...that they would see Jesus in me and in you. that they would see how you understand them though you may never full understand. that they see your broken heart and they find HOPE in Jesus Christ through your service.

i pray we get off our comfortable ass and make a difference.

1 comment:

Marsha Cashdollar said...

This is good stuff jordan, you got me thinking.